Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Inviting annoying teaboys

There is a story about a monk who was traveling to India.  He was concerned that it would be hard for him to stay present in India because of how pleasant people had told him it would be.  So, he invited his most annoying teaboy to come to India with him.

I've been finding more opportunities to meditate these days.  I often meditate with a friend using Skype.  While I was meditating with her one day, there was something that was causing a funny periodic sound with a very small period.  I was able to use this annoying sound as a teaboy to help me with dropping storylines and coming back to the present moment.

I have a hard time with dropping storylines when I meditate.  Some storylines are quite persistent, such that if I do manage to drop them I soon find that I've picked them up again.  I've often gone quite far down a path with a storyline before finally realizing that I've mindlessly done so, and using things that are bugging me as annoying teaboys has been especially helpful for this.  As a result, I don't go as far down these paths before coming back to the present.